File a Perfect Reply to Trademark Objection
Once the trademark application is filed, it has to face the stringent scrutiny of the examiner. The submitted trademark registration application can be rejected by the trademark examiner. The rejection is called trademark objection. It basically means that the examiner has gone through the application and has disapproved the application.
The instances of trademark objection in India are too many and too common. Every year, there are thousands of applications filed by trademark aspirants. And every year, over 60 percent of these applications face objections. Therefore, you should take absolute care when it comes to filing the application for registration. Because regardless of how much you worked hard drafting the application, the objection to trademark doesn’t take much time.
All it takes for the trademark objection process to complete is the creation of a trademark examination report. The report dictates whether the trademark is allowed or is rejected.
There are two grounds under which the trademarks are objected. They are:
1. Absolute Grounds:
- The trademark does not possess any distinctive character.
- The trademark tells the quality of the product it represents.
- The trademark is offensive to specific communities due to deliberate or mistaken intention.
Relative Grounds:
- The trademark can cause confusion among public
trademark objections are not always fair. Therefore, there is
trademark objection reply. A rely to the
TM objection has to be specifically filed in a customized fashion. Basically, through the reply, you are going to counter each statement made in the objection with a rebuttal. It has to be reasonable enough to counter the objection. If the reply is accepted, the trademark is published. If not, there is the matter of hearing.
Trademark application objection therefore, needs a good reply or else, all your efforts to register your trademark shall be in vain. R
However, there is no need for you to worry! Legal Startup India is a team of experts that consist of trademark advocates, trademark agents and industries most talented IPR experts. They create the perfect reply to counter the trademark objection. Additionally, the
trademark objection reply fees are also low, so you also have the benefit of affordable reply.
If you want to ensure that your trademark reaches the trademark journal, we are the experts that you should trust.